Home JeRoTIMON Manipulator

JeRoTIMON Manipulator


JeRoTIMON is a manipulator designed, simulated, and built to meet demands related to the recognition of visual markers and actuation of switches, keys, or buttons. It was developed as part of challenge 2 proposed by the specialization course in Robotics and Autonomous Systems at SENAI CIMATEC.

In addition to its initial purpose, this robotic manipulator was later integrated with the Warthog robot, developed by Clearpath Robotics, to perform the investigation activity in an external environment, this time participating in a search and disarming of non-destructive potential bombs.

The JeRoTIMON manipulator simulation package was built using Gazebo software allied with MoveIt and the Rviz visualization tool, thus enabling the activities performed in the real world to have been previously tested in a simulated environment, where it is possible to analyze the manipulator’s movements and limitations.

Simulation demonstration

Real-life demonstration

Development Team

More details about this project

More details about the team and the project are on the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Lab website from SENAI CIMATEC.

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